Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Happy Due Date, Baby Girl!

Well, we have  made it.  Not to the birth, but to 40 weeks!  I truthfully never imagined that I would ever be THIS pregnant.  As of yesterday, there is still no progress of Baby Girl's prepardness of entry into this world.  However the Doctor, and what feels like everyone who has had a baby, has reassured me that 'things can change overnight' and 'she will come when she is ready'.  I am growing to hate that last phrase, but probably because it is the truth!

Christmas decorations are up, even Nana (Kiki) has Baby Girl's Christmas Stocking in hand...secret name on it and all.  We are anxiously awaiting her arrival.  I said we are not to put up her stocking until she is here.  We do not want to reward the negative behavior of her not arriving.... :)

p.s. Props to the Hubbs for dealing with me and the moods/meltdowns over the past few weeks.  He is a good man.

Let me take you on a the journey that is my changing bump over what feels like forever the last 40 weeks...
We will keep you all posted of when she decides to make her appearance!


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